Privacy Policy for 云顶集团糖果游戏 Mexico (English)


根据《云顶集团糖果游戏》的规定, who subsequently includes the following companies: 云顶集团糖果游戏 Envases México S.A. de C.V., 云顶集团糖果游戏 Famosa S.A. de C.V., Fabricas Monterrey S.A. de C.V., Sílices de Veracruz S.A. de C.V., Sílices del Istmo S.A. de C.V. and VICHISA S.A de C.V.,财政地址为加利福尼亚州蒙特雷市五月15号colonia avenue Alfonso Reyes 2239.P. 在Nuevo León,墨西哥的实体中,64450向您提供以下隐私声明.

CROWN massimxico负责使用和保护您的个人数据, 在此意义上,并遵守《云顶集团糖果游戏》所规定的法律义务. Through this instrument, 资料拥有人会被告知向他们收集的资料,以及所收集资料的用途.


我们向您收集的个人资料将用于以下目的, 哪些是明确我们与你方关系所必需的, 以及满足您所要求的服务和/或订单. 请注意,并非这里列出的所有目的都适用于所有个人,而只适用于特定情况下的你:

  • 营销CROWN msamxico提供的产品和服务

  • Processing and administration of returns, billing, customer purchase history, loyalty programs and discounts, notifications of promotions, pre-sales, access to partner portal.

  • 更新CROWN公司的记录和系统程序.

  • 在合并、分拆或收购CROWN mamexico的情况下使用它们.

  • Comply with the requirements made by the authorities, when necessary to safeguard the public interest, the administration or administration of justice.

  • Where appropriate, 销售合同的准备和签订, consignment, distribution, supply, or service, among others, that the client requires.

  • 履行因与委托人建立的法律关系而产生的义务.

  • 及时、正确地提供客户所需的服务和产品.

  • 就你的投诉或申索作出查询、调查及覆核.

  • 如有任何与本服务或本隐私声明有关的事宜,请与您联系.


  • Identification data: full name, marital status, signature, electronic signature, RFC, CURP, place and date of birth, age, names of relatives, dependents and beneficiaries.

  • 联系信息:地址,家庭,手机和/或工作电话,以及电子邮件帐户.

  • Professional data: occupation, position, area or department, address, work phone and email, extracurricular activities, work references, personal references, academic history, performance history in the company, among others.

  • Patrimonial data: personal property, credit history, income and expenses, bank accounts, contracted services, personal references, among others.​

Likewise, we inform you that, 实现本通知中关系的目的, sensitive personal data may be collected and processed, 比如那些可能揭示种族或民族出身等方面的信息, present and future health status, genetic information, beliefs religious, moral and philosophical, union membership, political opinions or sexual preference.

我们保证,他们将受到严格的安全措施对待, always guaranteeing their confidentiality.

For the purposes indicated in this notice, we may collect your personal data in different ways: when you provide it to us directly; when you visit our Internet sites or use our online services, 以及当我们从法律允许的其他来源获取信息时.


At any time, 您可以撤销同意我们处理您的个人资料, so that we stop using or disclosing them. 您也可以限制使用或披露您的个人资料. For this, 你必须使用单一表格提交申请, which must be filled out and sent to who will attend to your request in a timely manner.


In accordance with the provisions of the Law, you, or your legal representative where appropriate, may exercise the rights of access, rectification, 通过单一表格取消和反对(以下简称ARCO权利), which must be filled out and sent to who will attend to your request in a timely manner.



以电子或印刷方式收集的个人资料, commercialization, 产品的市场调查和/或推广过程, 以及那些源自契约关系的, will be treated in the terms of the Law, for its storage, identification, administration, analysis, operation and / or disclosure. 所述数据可能会传输给CROWN msamxico公司和/或与该公司有合同关系的第三方. For this, 在相应的合同中,CROWN membroxico将包括一项条款,提到上述公司和第三方授予法律要求的个人数据保护水平.

Likewise, 为实现上述目的或法律规定或主管机关规定的其他目的, CROWN可能会将从您那里收集的信息转移给其公司和主管当局.

At all times, CROWN m将保护数据及其处理的机密性,使您的隐私受到法律的保护, 保证CROWN msamxico和与其保持法律关系以充分提供其服务的第三方遵守本通知.

